Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sleepwalk, 1959

So here I am, on the couch, tuning up Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny. This is usually my calm-down-you-crazy-person song. Yet, it also seems to be the song that I play when I'm depressed as well. I'm not sure if I do it to make myself more depressed, or to draw myself out of it. Either way, all I can think about is Sleepwalkers and La Bamba, for obvious reasons. (For those fools out there that don't know what I mean, its because this song is on the soundtrack of both movies.) Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that God tends to be a selfish asshole that kills people like Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens for the sake of killing them. Then, he goes of and produces people like Lil' Wayne, and all the little pre teens that want to have sex with Dahvie Vanity. Blood on the Dance Floor in particular, pisses me off. If I were ever to come across the two of them, I think I'll just kick them in the balls and have myself a soda. Maybe I was just born in the wrong time. I still can't decide if the time I belong in is Europe in the 1800's or Southern California in the 1950s. As long as I get away from neon skinny jeans and conformists who are conformists because the're trying so hard to be non-conformists, then I'll be fine. Otherwise, well, we'll see.

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